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One person seriously injured in accident in neighboring Dodge County | By Dodge County Sheriff


August 18, 2018 – Dodge Co., WI – On August, 18, 2018 at 4:03 a.m., the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office responded to a motor vehicle crash on USH 151 at Oakwood Road in the town of Chester, Dodge County, Wisconsin.

Preliminary investigation shows a Saturn Vue was traveling west on Oakwood Road and was attempting to cross over USH 151 northbound lanes to turn southbound onto USH 151.

A Chrysler 300 was traveling northbound on USH 151, striking the Saturn Vue.

The driver/lone occupant of the Saturn suffered serious injuries in the crash and was transported to Waupun Hospital by Lifestar EMS.

The driver and passenger of the Chrysler suffered minor injuries and were transported to Beaver Dam Community Hospital by Beaver Dam EMS.

The crash remains under investigation by the Wisconsing State Patrol and the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office.

Assisting at the scene was: Waupun Fire Department, Waupun Police Department, Lifestar EMS, Beaver Dam EMS, Wisconsin State Patrol, Dodge County Sheriff’s Office, and DCERT.


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