37.6 F
West Bend

One person in custody following shots fire in downtown West Bend

A 36-year-old Milwaukee man is in the Washington County Jail in connection with an incident Sunday morning at the Washington House Pub, 228 N. Sixth Avenue.

Police were called to the Pub at 1:40 a.m. for a fight and gunshots fired.

Authorities said Timothy L. Jackson of Milwaukee was fighting with another 34-year-old West Bend man who tried to get away and was chased by Jackson in to the women’s bathroom.

While in the bathroom, Jackson reportedly made threats and pointed a loaded handgun at the man.

Both men wrestled over the firearm at which time, one shot was fired into the tile flooring.

A 23-year-old woman was in the bathroom at the time.

Both men received minor injuries as a result of the physical altercation, not due to the gunshot.

Jackson was treated at St. Joseph’s Hospital in the Town of Polk.

There were over 50 patrons in the tavern at the time of the incident. No one else was injured.

Jackson is sitting in the Washington County Jail awaiting a court appearance on charges of attempted first degree intentional homicide, first degree recklessly endangering safety, felon in possession of a firearm, and going armed while intoxicated.

Initial story – One person is in custody in connection with a report of shots fired Sunday morning at the Washington House Pub, 228 N. Sixth Ave. in West Bend.

Lt. Richard Lucka said nobody was injured. The incident was reported at 1:40 a.m. More details will be released later today.

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