Oct. 30, 2018 – Hartford, WI – Neighbors in Hartford have approximately one more month to take advantage of fall leaf pick-up.
Starting in October, the city began its annual Curbside Leaf Pick-Up, encouraging residents to put their leaves on the curb before the end of November (or a heavy snowfall).
Leaves should be raked to the curb, not placed in a bag, or the leaves will not be picked up. “Piles should be organized along the curb and not spread out through the road. Those that do blow out into the street and spread out may be sited”, said City Administrator, Steve Volkert.
Grass clippings, lawn foliage, brush, and other items are not a part of leaf pick-up. If you have clippings or garden foliage, you can bag that and bring it to the recycle center. If you have branches, the City offers Brush collection on the first full week of each month, the upcoming collection starting November 5, the specific pick-up day correlating with your garbage day. Do not place your brush on sidewalk or street, instead, place it on the space between your curb and sidewalk.
You can read the full policy on leaf and brush collection here.