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West Bend

One man in custody following stabbing in West Bend | West Bend Police

July 26, 2019 – West Bend, WI – On Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 1:52 a.m. a citizen called police to report a physical altercation involving several subjects in the 200 block of S. Main Street. Officers arrived and located a 34-year-old man from West Bend with a stab wound to the abdomen.

West Bend Police logo with American Flag and police shield


A 34-year-old resident of Chicago and a 56-year-old man from West Bend were taken into custody at the scene. A 27-year-old man from West Bend who fled prior to police arriving was later located and taken into custody.

The investigation determined the four males had been arguing throughout the night in a local tavern and engaged in a physical altercation after the bar closed. During the fight the 34-year-old Chicago resident pulled a knife and stabbed the 34-year-old West Bend resident.

The 34-year-old West Bend man was transported to Froedtert Hospital for treatment of his injuries and was later released. A charge of Disorderly Conduct was referred to the District Attorney.

The 34-year-old Chicago resident was arrested and placed in jail on charges of First Degree Reckless Injury and Disorderly Conduct. The 56-year-old West Bend man and 27-year-old West Bend man were placed in jail on charges of Disorderly Conduct.

The case remains under investigation.

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