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Candidate applies for vacancy on Kewaskum School Board

July 12, 2021 – Kewaskum, WI – One person, so far, has thrown their hat into the ring to fill the vacant seat on the Kewaskum School Board.

A story was posted June 30, 2021 on WashingtonCountyInsider.com about school board member Doug Gonring stepping down from the board.

That term would normally expire in April 2022.

On Monday, July 12, 2021 Kewaskum resident Nathan Weseman turned in papers to the district office announcing his interest in the post.

Nate Weseman Kewaskum


Weseman has lived in the community 20+ years, he has two children in middle school in the Kewaskum School District and another in high school. Weseman has not held political office before. “It is just time to get involved,” said Weseman. “The current board has done a great job and I just want to help and move in a direction the district will be proud of.”

The Kewaskum School Board held a special meeting July 8, 2021 to discuss the vacancy. A note was published on the district website on how it will move forward to fill the seat.

The deadline to file candidacy papers is July 23, 2021 by 4 p.m.

That seat will be up again for election in April 2022.


You are hereby notified that the Board of Education of the Kewaskum School District, pursuant to Section 17.26 of the Wisconsin Statutes, may appoint a member to fill an existing vacancy of the Board of Education.

Also, notice is hereby given that any qualified elector of said District who desires to be considered a candidate for appointment to fill a vacancy on School Board of said District must file a Letter of Interest in the office of the District Administrator stating that he/she is a qualified elector and desires to be considered for the appointment to the School Board.

  1. The candidate must be a qualified elector residing within the boundaries of the Kewaskum School District.
  2. A written Letter of Interest, signed by the candidate, must be filed with the District Administrator on or before July 23, 2021 at 4:00 p.m., to Kewaskum School District, P.O. Box 37, 1455 School Street, Kewaskum, WI  53040.  The Letter of Interest should include candidates name, address, email address and phone number along with a written statement which indicates the reason for seeking appointment to the Board.

Candidates may be expected to interview with the Board of Education during the month of August.  The appointment may occur following the interviews.

District Administrator Mark Bazata said the district has “60 days to fill the position and is hoping to have it filled before the start of school in September.”

Click HERE to see the interview process during the board’s previous opening Nov. 2020

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