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West Bend

October students of the month from Holy Angels School in West Bend | By Mike Sternig

Nov. 10, 2017 – West Bend, WI – The Holy Angels Students of the Month for October 2017
6th Grade: Bryce Barnett
Bryce is one of those students who has it all as far as teachers are concerned. He’s smart and interested, and participates fully. He is a good study partner and fun to work with. Above all, he is an eager learner, someone passionate about understanding and knowing more. Bryce loves math and takes pride in manipulating fractions. He has adapted easily to middle school and is already helping out as a server at Mass. Outside of academics, Bryce loves basketball and wouldn’t mind being an NBA player one day.
7th Grade: Nathan Ratzel
Nathan is respectful student who quietly tries to do a good job. He likes science, is good at math and art, while producing excellent work in German class. He is patient with his classmates’ quirks making him easy to work with. He likes to play a variety of sports, particularly baseball and basketball. When he is offered free time, he would choose to watch an Avengers movie, read a Harry Potter book or bite into a steak.
8th Grade: Beth Bateman
Beth’s recent participation in the Veteran’s Tribute music performance shows a commitment to taking responsibility for her own learning. Teachers have noticed that this quiet and reserved eighth-grader has increased effort across all of her classes. She is more willing to ask questions and participate in class. Beth has always been artistic and creative, choosing to learn about film editing software so she can produce her own videos. She has shown an interest in becoming an animator when she grows up.

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