39.3 F
West Bend

Obit: Tonya L. Kirmse (nee Kohn), 47, of Random Lake


June 10, 2018 – Random Lake, WI – Tonya L. Kirmse (nee Kohn), 47, of Random Lake passed away Saturday, June 9, peacefully with her family by her side after losing her 14-month battle with Leukemia.

She was born on November 10, 1970 to Harold Kohn and Lonna Karnitz (nee Schladweiler) in Port Washington. She graduated from West Bend East High School in 1989. Tonya started her family in 1995 and was a devoted mother of her two children. On November 8, 2008 she was united in marriage to Michael Kirmse in Silver Creek. She enjoyed the outdoors, her flower garden, and her horses and chickens on the farm. Tonya loved to go motorcycle riding, but especially enjoyed spending time with family and friends.  Tonya always thought of others first before her own needs and pain. She always was positive and showed off her beautiful smile to everyone she met. She touched so many life’s and will be dearly missed by all who knew her.

Those Tonya leaves behind to cherish her memory include her husband, Michael Kirmse; two children, Jesse Verbanac and Paige (Adam Jensterle) Verbanac; one expecting grandson; her mother, Lonna (Fritz) Karnitz; a brother, Ryan Kohn; a niece, Kieara Kohn; two nephews, Krozby and Kashtyn Kohn; other relatives and friends.

She is preceded in death by her father, Harold Kohn and her maternal grandparents, Al and Omi Schwalweiler.

A funeral service in remembrance of Tonya will be held on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Myrhum Patten Miller & Kietzer funeral home, 1315 W. Washington St., West Bend.

The family will greet relatives and friends at the funeral home on Wednesday from 4:00 p.m. until the time of service.

In lieu of flowers, Tonya’s request is that memorial are to go to her future grandchildren’s trust. Checks can be made payable to her son, Jesse J. Verbanac.

A special thank you to Dr. Pasquini, Dr. Chhabra, Matt, the nurses and staff at Grace Clinic, and Kathy Hospice for all their compassionate care.

The Myrhum Patten Miller & Kietzer Funeral Homes have been entrusted with Tonya’s arrangements.


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