37.9 F
West Bend

Notification of River Road closure between CTH “NN” and Rusco Drive in West Bend

West Bend, WI – River Road will be closed to through traffic between CTH “NN” and Rusco Drive, beginning Wednesday, August 12, 2020 until approximately early-October 2020 for utility work and road construction activities. Please note those dates may be adjusted due to weather conditions.

The general contractor for this project is Heartland Construction, Inc. from Slinger, Wisconsin. There will also be a number of subcontractors working at various times during the project.

Construction activities will include installation of sanitary sewer main, water main, storm sewer, curb and gutter, rehabilitation of the roadway structure with pavement replacement, and restoration of disturbed areas.








Motorists are reminded to abide by all traffic control signs and devices as well as be aware of ongoing construction activities. Alternate routes should be planned to avoid construction whenever possible.

If you have any questions about this news release, please contact Mitch Leisses, Kunkel Engineering Group at 920-210-6330.

Horicon Bank
Horicon Bank

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