28.1 F
West Bend

Will Lt. Matt Rohlinger be the next Captain at the West Bend PD?

January 4, 2022 – West Bend, WI – The West Bend Police and Fire Commission meets at 4 p.m. today, January 4, 2022, and one of the items is to appoint the next Captain at the West Bend PD.

The position opened when Captain Tim Dehring was named West Bend’s new police chief in December 2021. Dehring will take over as chief January 8, 2022.


Rohlinger was the only other applicant for the chief’s position.

Rohlinger has been with the West Bend PD since he was a police explorer in 1996.

Rohlinger started as an officer with the WBPD in January 2002. He was promoted to sergeant in 2008 and lieutenant in 2016.

Rohlinger has been active with the Fraternal Order of Police as that organization has taken over the annual Shop with a Cop event and since 2008 he’s helped lead the Police Unity Tour.  Rohlinger also started the West Bend Police Department Honor Guard in 2009.

The Police & Fire Commission meet at 4 p.m. The appointment of the next Captain of Police will be effective January 9, 2022. It is unknown how many candidates will be reviewed for the post.

Horicon Bank

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