40.4 F
West Bend

New homeless shelter in West Bend on track to open in February 2018


Jan. 12, 2018 – West Bend, WI – The new shelter for men and women in Washington County will open in a couple of weeks. The $1.4 million facility designed by American Construction Services of West Bend and located on Water Street will be called Karl’s Place in honor of Karl Glunz of Richfield.

“There is a need in Washington County for homeless singles, women and men,” said Glunz. “We’ve experience the need over the past four to five years and now we have the opportunity to provide them one building,for both men and women, with all the services they need to work themselves toward independent living.”

Glunz has lived in Richfield for 15 years. He has been a member of St. Vincent De Paul for 52 years.

“St. Vincent De Paul is always interested in serving the poor and the needy and food, shelter and clothing is part of the mission,” he said.

The facility will offer shelter, meals, basic health services and quality case management for individuals at risk of homelessness.

“There is an urgent need to provide care and assistance to improve the circumstances of homeless men and women in Washington County,”  said Washington County Administrator Josh Schoemann

The 7,053-square-foot facility will consist of an emergency shelter for 14 single men and women, four supportive housing units for men who are in need of more long-term assistance and a resource center which will be available to shelter guests, residents and single individuals in the community who are searching for jobs, apartments and other services.

Karl’s Place will be staffed 24 hours a day and case management will hold clients accountable to work on their goals of increasing income and obtaining permanent housing.

“I am so grateful for the community who has come together to assist with the opening of Karl’s Place.”  said Kathleen Christenson Fisher, the executive director of Family Promise of Washington County.

A grand opening of Karl’s Place will be Tuesday, Feb. 6 from 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.



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