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New fire chief in place at the Boltonville Fire Department | By Ron Naab

Ken Ramthun


Dec. 13, 2018 – Boltonville, WI – At the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Boltonville Fire Department, Chief Ken Ramthun announced he would be stepping down as Fire Chief.  Ramthun was recognized for his 50 years of service to the Boltonville area as a firefighter and chief officer.

During his younger years Ramthun was an active member of the Boltonville Fire Department water-fighting team and was an on-call fire instructor for Moraine Park Technical College.

Serving as assistant chief to Joe Enright for many years prepared him to step up and be chief when Enright stepped down.

Ramthun will remain as an active member of the department.

Dan Mueller has been elected the new fire chief of Boltonville Fire Department.

The transition of the “Bulge of Command” will happen this week and Mueller will be picking his line officers shortly.

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