42.1 F
West Bend

New facility in store for West Bend Health Center on W. Paradise Drive

May 10, 2017 – West Bend, WI – A new facility is in the works for the West Bend Health Center, 1700 W. Paradise Drive in West Bend.

In an effort to best serve the community of West Bend, the Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin health network is working on a comprehensive plan to address “meeting long-term community needs for health services.”


Tim Olsen is the manager of public relations at Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin

“The new building will enable more efficiencies and better support care processes and technology that have developed since the West Bend Health Center was built in 1990,” Olsen said.  “The current health center will remain open to serve patients while the construction work is underway.”

Olsen said Froedtert is in the “early, early stages” of planning and the new design is still a work in progress.


The plan does include the relocation of the West Bend Surgery Center to the St. Joseph’s Hospital campus.


“The plan will follow the Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin philosophy of providing the right care in the right place at the right time,” said Olsen.

“This level of commitment is a reflection of how important the West Bend community and Washington County are in the health system’s growth plans.”

West Bend Mayor Kraig Sadownikow confirmed early Tuesday he had heard rumblings there could be some new construction ahead for the West Bend Health Center.


“An organization as significant as Froedtert does not take infrastructure investment lightly,” he said. “I’m certain their decision points to the strength of our local economy and community.”
The news about more construction in West Bend follows on the heels on several other significant developments including a new corporate headquarters for Delta Defense, Meijer opening Tuesday, May 16, a new Honda dealership coming to West Bend, and finally Pizza Ranch to open in the former Ponderosa building.
Sadownikow qualifies the development as a well-rounded growth patterns.
“Residential construction is strong and we have seen expansion and growth in our commercial and industrial markets as of late. When these markets are strong healthcare and retail expansion typically follow closely behind,” he said. “Fortunately West Bend continues to have strong education, strong job opportunities, and is a safe community that really is attractive to people of all ages.”


Construction of a new West Bend Health Center is expected to begin in summer 2018.





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