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Neighbors in Washington County can spot Comet NEOWISE tonight in northwestern sky

July 12, 2020 – Neighbors in Washington County should be able to spot Comet NEOWISE in the evening sky. Tom Sarko, who grew up in Barton and worked for NASA, said the object will be in the northwestern sky about an hour or a little more after sunset, weather permitting, until it dims.


Sarko said the comet will probably happen over the next several days.

As of Thursday, July 9, it was easily visible to the unaided eye, although binoculars greatly improve the view.

Some quick bullet points about the comet:

– it measures about 3 miles across

-Around July 11 the comet will start to appear in the evening just after sunset. It’ll be in the northwestern sky, below the Big Dipper constellation (or Ursa Major).

– Click HERE for more details.


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