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Neenah Clerk Charlotte Nagel answers voter questions prior to April 5, 2022, election

West Bend, WI – City, Town, and Village Clerks from across the state are weighing in on ballot questions ahead of the April 5, 2022, Spring Election. Charlotte Nagel is the head clerk in Neenah, WI.

Charlotte Nagel

Nagel: “Drop boxes are the biggest question we’re fielding now.”

WCI : Will drop boxes be allowed this election?

Nagel: “No.”

WCI: “If a drop box is attached to the Town Hall or City Hall and I put my ballot in there, what’s going to happen?”

Nagel: “It won’t count. The clerk can either try and contact you to issue the ballot back and have you returned it in the proper fashion. Ballots have to be in by 8 p.m. on Election Day, April 5, 2022 in order to count.”

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WCI: My mom got her absentee ballot last week. Is that allowed even though the in-person voting starts March 22, 2022? It is OK to get an absentee ballot ahead of time and fill it out?

Nagel: “Yes, state statute says all absentee ballot applications that are on file must be mailed by the deadline of March 15, 2022, for the April election. Last week, Tuesday was the deadline. So, if you have an application on file for the absentee ballot to be mailed, it had to be mailed by the 15th.”

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WCI: What is the last day a voter can request a ballot by mail?

Nagel: “They can request that ballot until March 31, 2022 for the April 5, 2022 election.”


WCI: I am in contact with a lot of senior citizens and some of them had marked indefinitely confined and they were scared with the COVID and whatnot. How do they know if they are going to get the ballot, if they’ve been out to the grocery store and church and are not really confined?

Nagel:  “They can, they can check on myvote.wi.gov to see if they’re getting an absentee ballot.

my vote


WCI: Quite a few senior citizens are not computer savvy.

Nagel:  “Then they can call their local clerk and they can tell them.”

WCI: How does someone apply for an absentee ballot, if they’re not computer savvy. What do they do? Because I think they have to have an ID.

Nagel: “They can come to the clerk’s office and do it in person.”

  Click HERE for an article on ballots with Village of Kewaskum clerk Tammy Butz.


Charlotte Nagel has been a clerk for 15 years in Neenah, WI. Prior to that she was a county clerk in Ledgeview, WI.  

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