65.5 F
West Bend

Jackson PD to Host National Night Out | by Officer Jennifer Gerke

West Bend, WI – The Jackson Police Department will be hosting a National Night Out event on August 3rd, 2021 at Hickory Lane Park from 5 p.m.-8 pm. National Night Out is an annual community-building event that promotes strong police-community partnerships and safety.

We are excited to announce that we have a fun-filled family night planned. A variety of emergency vehicles will be on display from Jackson PD, Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Wisconsin State Patrol, and Jackson Fire Department.

We are kicking off National Night Out with a Flight for Life helicopter landing. The helicopter will be landing between 5 and 6 p.m. (dependent on calls for service). In addition to the emergency vehicles on display, there will be other local vendors providing information on a variety of safety-related topics.

Horicon Bank

There will also be a free children’s raffle for a chance to win one of thirty bicycles! Everyone will receive a free raffle ticket just for attending. Follow us on Facebook for ways to earn additional raffle tickets. We will also be giving away children’s books and goodie bags containing coloring books and other items.

No need to eat dinner beforehand, Smoked at 225 food truck will be selling delicious BBQ. The Jackson Community Center will also be selling treats and other concession items. Plan on bringing your family to Hickory Park to join us for this fun-filled night!

“After the success of our first event in 2019 and having to cancel last year’s, we are really looking forward to this event. In addition to everything we have planned, kids can also enjoy the splash pad and the all-inclusive playground at Hickory Park.”

national night out


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