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Names released of weekend triple fatality crash in neighboring Dodge County

August 9, 2021 – Dodge County, WI – On Saturday, August 7, 2021, at approximately 2:03 p.m., the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office responded to a motor vehicle crash in the southbound traffic lanes of US 151 approximately 2/10 mile north of CTHY B in the Township of Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wisconsin.


Initial investigation shows that Frederick Schultz (87 years old, from Columbus, WI) was operating a Mazda van northbound on US 151 north of CTHY B in the southbound traffic lanes. Richard Wagner (68 years old, from Saint Joseph, IL) was operating a Kia Optima south on US 151 in the left/inside traffic lane. Melissa Rees (53 years old, from Terre Haute, IN) was a passenger in the Kia. Both vehicles collided in a head-on manner in the inside traffic lane.
Frederick Schultz was pronounced dead at the scene by the Dodge County Medical Examiner. Melissa Rees died while being transported to UW Hospital in Madison, WI. Richard Wagner was transported to UW Hospital in Madison, WI, but died a short time later.
The crash remains under investigation by the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office and the Dodge County Medical Examiner. Assisting at the scene were: Beaver Dam Fire Department, Beaver Dam Paramedics, Beaver Dam Police, DCERT, and the Dodge County Highway Department.
The southbound traffic lanes of US 151 were closed for approximately 3 hours as the scene was being cleared and the crash was being investigated.
Questions may be directed to Sheriff Dale J. Schmidt.
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