35.2 F
West Bend

Name released of victim in Sunday’s accident in Kohlsville



Oct. 30, 2017 – Washington Co., WI – The Washington County Sheriff has released the name of pedestrian struck and killed on Oct. 29 on County Trunk Highway D west of County Trunk WW.


Jason R. Scherr, 37
City of West Bend

The Washington County Sheriff’s Office continues to investigate the accident as a criminal matter.


Below is the original press release from Washington County Sheriff following the accident.


Date: 10-29-17
Subject: Fatal Pedestrian Crash –17-40616
Authority:  Sgt. Uhan 416

On 10-29-17, at 2:38 AM, The Washington County Sheriff’s Office was notified of a male pedestrian that was walking in the roadway on County Highway D in the Town of Wayne. A short time later we received of a call of a man lying on the side of the road. Deputies responded along with Kewaskum Police, Kohlsville first responders, Kewaskum Fire Department, and West Bend Intercept. Passing motorists had stopped to check on the man and started to administer CPR, which was taken over by first responders.

The 37 year old City of West Bend man was pronounced dead at the scene, as a result of being struck by a car. The driver of the striking vehicle, a 53 year old male from the Town of Trenton, returned to the scene, and was taken into custody for OWI, and homicide by intoxicated use of a motor vehicle.

The Washington County Sheriff’s Office Accident Reconstruction Team responded to the scene to assist. The incident remains under investigation, but alcohol is suspected as a contributing factor. This is the seventh traffic fatality in the county this year.


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