53.1 F
West Bend

N. Main Street closed as pipe repairs underway


Dec. 17, 2018 – West Bend, WI – Motorists and business owners in Downtown West Bend may want to take note that N. Main Street is closed this morning as city crews are on scene to repair a broken water main in front of 215 N. Main.

The pipe broke and the sidewalk collapsed right in front of the old Ziegler building Sunday afternoon.

Site superintendent Gerry Serwe said water did get into the basement of the building.

”These are very old pipes,” he said about the network of utilities underneath Main Street.

Serwe said this is normally what a broken water main looks like it’s just that it appears dramatic because it’s on Main Street.

According to the owner of 215 N. Main:

-All water is turned off to the building at this time.

-There will be an update on the situation by 4 p.m. Monday afternoon.

-Please be aware there is no water, meaning no bathrooms or sprinkler to the fire alarm system.

  -It is also unknown of the buildings structural impact at this time until the city engineers inspect.

– It is highly advised you work from home Monday and if necessary go in the building only to retrieve any necessary office items to work remotely.

-We are working diligently with the City to get this resolved in a timely fashion and will keep everyone informed as information is received.

water main break on 15th Avenue in West Bend

Over the past week City crews have also repaired broken water mains at 18th Avenue and Park and on 15th Avenue.

North Main Street is expected to be open later today.


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