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My Catholic School Memories | By Jenny Trimberger

Feb. 1, 2018 – Hartford, WI – In 2nd grade, I started my Catholic education and entered Sr. Agnes Marie’s classroom. I graduated from that school and continued on my way to Pius XI High School. Both schools fostered a love of learning and technology. As I began thinking about college, one of my teachers plainly stated, “You’re going to do what you love and be a teacher.”


As my college career was ending, it just so happened my grade school was looking for a new technology teacher.  That fall, I became a “real” teacher in the school that allowed me to pursue my interests of teaching and technology.

After 19 years in education, you can still find me in a Catholic school as principal of St. Kilian School in Hartford. What a great opportunity to give back to the institution that helped form the person I am today.


Happy Catholic Schools Week!


Jenny Trimberger


Dairy Queen Cake

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