44.9 F
West Bend

Guy who won the 2007 Mustang Shelby GT500 picks up his prize | By Jeff Lambie

West Bend, Wi – Joshua Franke of Hubertus, WI is the winner of the 2007 Mustang Shelby GT500. Franke stopped at the Senior Center to pick up his prize… and he opted for the $20,000 check.
Josh, Mustang winner, GT500
He was very excited to take the cash.
Franke thinks it was Jim Derse was the one who sold him the winning ticket. “I saw the Mustang and listening to Jim; he said it was for a good cause and the $20 ticket was worth the chance to win,” said Franke. “I never thought I would really win; you just never know.”
Franke opted for the cash because he would have had to store the Mustang because he does not have any room for it. The cash will come in handy.
Jeff Lambie, who helped organize the raffle, said they will likely auction off the Mustang.  Stay tuned.
United Way


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