July 7, 2017 – West Bend, WI – West Bend is fortunate to have Music on Main as a free, family-friendly, organized and well-attended weekly event. I assisted West Bend Downtown Association staff Carol and Anna, last night volunteering to bartend in their refreshment tent. Each week a local business serves as the band sponsor and provides some of their staff to volunteer in the refreshment tent. Also, a local restaurant provides roadside food service for all Music on Main attendees. Our police department provides community service officers, crime prevention patrol staff, and police officers to assist with crowd control. It is great to see so many people enjoying music in our downtown every week from June 1st through August 31st. Anna estimates that there are between 800-2,000 attendees each week. Come on out and enjoy some live music on Thursday evenings.

I was there with 6 people and had a blast dancing with a friend, daughter and granddaughter. I saw 5 Card Stud at Summerfest and loved them.