73.9 F
West Bend

Multi-family development on Valley Ave. defeated

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A strong turnout of neighbors from Valley Avenue and Deer Ridge Drive packed the council chambers at West Bend City Hall on Tuesday night to voice their opposition to rezoning 6.5 acres of land from business to multi-family residential.


One by one by one neighbors stepped to the podium to speak out against a proposal from property owner Steve Kearns who floated a plant to put in high-end multi-family residential. Not one person who lived in the neighborhood spoke in favor of the development.




Some significant moments from the meeting:

-A petition with over 200 signatures from neighbors in the subdivision was presented to Mayor Kraig Sadownikow.

-Some of the key concerns from neighbors included increases in the volume of traffic, multi-family property bringing down the value of their home, huge concern for fire and safety,
-District 8 alderman Roger Kist agreed with residents the proposal “should be canned right now.”

-Karen Steinhardt on Erin Court questioned how the development would be “high end especially when you’re looking at car dealerships and a gas station as neighbors.”

-Scott Casper said, “I’m an old timer and I went back and looked at two other rezonings that happened 14 years ago when the council thought business zoning was superior.  If we will do this I want to know what’s changed and why this is good for our neighborhood.”

-Dennis Steinhardt from Erin Court said they’ve been able to “co exist with the auto dealers and their lights. Why put this multifamily in the middle of business?”

-Carol Martin on Valley Avenue was against the development and asked, “How would this affect our property value in the subdivision?”


After about 30 minutes of testimony, Steve Kearns stepped to the podium and explained how he tried the past 10 years to market the property for business development.


The Plan Commission then weighed in:
Chris Schmidt said, “I appreciate the turnout. The hard part is what’s fair to business owners and what’s right for community.”

And then one by one the members of the Plan Commission sided with the neighbors and praised them for getting involved in the process.


The proposal to change zoning was unanimously defeated by the Plan Commission.
Adam Wliquette –  I’m not in support.

Sara Fleishman – I will listen to neighbors and vote against.

Jim White – I agree about traffic and can foresee a lot of issues and can’t support.

Max Marishal –  I believe with any type of development we will have traffic issues.  Any proposal will have pros and cons and I will go with wishes of public and vote against.

Kraig Sadownikow –   I won’t support either.




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