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Letter to the Editor | MPTC and UW expand the opportunities for Wisconsin citizens to earn baccalaureate degrees | By Lois Krueger Gundrum

November 7, 2023 – Slinger, WI – There is a path to earning an associate degree at an affordable cost right here in our own back yard. It is through West Bend’s MPTC and all tech colleges throughout Wisconsin.  

Letter to the Editor MPTC

Transferring credits to UW is long overdue. Technical colleges are not just about skilled trades.  They have always included associate degrees in many disciplines such as business management, accounting, sales, marketing, information technology, medical, and legal fields.   Every tech college student will have credits eligible for transfer since all take many of the same core courses offered at UW system.  

I earned a two-year associate degree in the 1970s from then named MPTI-FdL. I chose MPTI mostly because it was affordable, nearby, and MPTI had an excellent track record of helping graduates find a job.

I had always wanted a college degree, not only to advance my career, but mostly because I wanted to broaden my knowledge. Even though many of my classes at MPTI closely mirrored UW courses, none of those credits could be transferred to UW universities. In fact, two of my classes were taught by the same UW-Oshkosh instructor and with the same textbooks. Did those credits transfer? No.

I did find a path to earning a bachelor’s degree through private colleges at considerably more cost.  I chose Cardinal Stritch.  Most of my MPTI credits were accepted since I could demonstrate the academic course work of the MPTI classes matched courses offered at Stritch.  

Just like declining enrollments brought about the close of UWWC, Cardinal Stritch also closed. UW-Oshkosh recently announced laying off 200 employees.  It is not only about funding.   It is low enrollment that caused these closings.  

I applaud the recognition of the academic excellence taught at Wisconsin’s tech colleges by acceptance of UW equivalent course/credits and associate degree into Wisconsin’s UW system.  

Lois Krueger-Gundrum

Slinger WI  53086


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