65.5 F
West Bend

Owner of Moonlighting in Barton to appear tonight before City of West Bend Licensing Committee


Dec. 3, 2018 – Barton, WI – One item on Monday night’s Licensing Committee agenda involves Joseph J. Stefanko and consideration for his Original Class B Combination License.

Stefanko owns the Moonlighting property, 326 Commerce Street, in West Bend.

It was Nov. 12, 2018 when word spread that the tavern/restaurant closed and was listed for sale with broker/owner Adam Williquette of American Commercial Real Estate in West Bend.

The tavern/restaurant was founded in 1995 and has been a popular restaurant in the Barton area ever since.

Williquette said Stefanko is going through the process to retain the license just in case he finds a buyer.

Currently the property is still listed for sale.

UPDATE: The licensing commitee approved the license to Stefanko. “One way or another it will reopen,” said Stefanko.

Stay tuned!

For more on the history of Stefanko and the Moonlighting property click HERE.

“With my strong ties to the area and involvement in the community, I am both happy and sad Joe has picked my firm to represent him in a sale of this iconic Barton landmark,” said Williquette.  “It has always been sad to see business move out of the Barton area, but I am confident we will find a buyer who will get it back up and running and continue/start a thriving business at this location again.”

Any interested parties can contact Adam at 262-424-3217 or adam@americancre.net.

American Commercial Real Estate
American Commercial Real Estate

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