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West Bend

Modern Woodmen of America partners with Pizza Ranch to treat families to free pizza this Christmas season

West Bend, WI – It’s the season of giving, and what better way to share the love than free food for the holidays. This December, businesses in West Bend are partnering with local community groups for the ‘12 Days of Pizza.’

Fifteen families will be given coupons for one free large pizza or 8 piece chicken for 12 days.

12 days of pizza
Modern Woodmen of America and Pizza Ranch West Bend have teamed up to sponsor families for the ‘12 Days of Pizza.’
“I am happy to sponsor 12 Days of Pizza and excited to team up with the Pizza Ranch to give back to the community,” said Justin Nothem

“We are very thankful to bring the 12 Days of Pizza back to West Bend this year to help families in need,” said Pizza Ranch Owner/Operators Matt and Stacy Gehring. “We couldn’t have done this without the help of our co-sponsor Modern Woodmen of America.”






The idea for ‘12 Days of Pizza’ came from Sean Covel a South Dakota native and producer of Napolean Dynamite. Covel heard the need for an extended out-of-school food program when his friend, a second grade teacher, mentioned how some of her students are dependent on existing programs that provide free and reduced meals through the school year and weekends like the ‘Backpack Program.’

A supplemental program was especially needed when schools closed for the holidays, leaving some students without a dependable meal source.

Covel created ‘12 Days of Pizza’ in 2015 with the help of Black Hills Community Bank and the Rapid City Pizza Ranch. The project was a success and expanded to four cities in the second year, helping 48 families. Now in its fifth year, ‘12 Days of Pizza’ will provide over 11,000 meals to nearly 950 families across the Midwest.

This year, 70 Pizza Ranch locations are partnering with local businesses to join in on the spirit of the holidays.

“We are proud of our franchisees and the local businesses in our communities for expanding this great grassroots effort again in 2019,” said Perry Krosschell, Pizza Ranch Chief Vision Officer.

For more information on ‘12 Days of Pizza’ contact Sean Covel Founder, 12 Days of Pizza seancovel@mac.com


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