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Fond du Lac Sheriff asking for help locating missing Campbellsport girl

January 10, 2022 – Fond du Lac, WI – The Fond du Lac Sheriff’s Office is asking for help locating a 17-year-old Campbellsport girl who has been reported as missing and in possible danger.
Cassidy Schilcher; photo credit: Fond du Lac Sheriff’s Office


Cassidy Schilcher is described as A 17-year-old girl, 5’8″, 110 pounds, has blonde hair and brown eyes.

According to Deputy Travis Dowland of the Fond du Lac Sheriff’s Department, “Based off of the investigation, we believe she’s in the Milwaukee area.”

Dowland said Schilcher was first reported missing on December 27, 2021.

Anyone with information regarding the case is asked to contact the Fond Du Lac County Sheriff’s office at 920-929-3390.


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