West Bend, WI – I am a Junior at the West Bend High School and I support John Donaldson and Melanie Ehrgott for the West Bend School Board. Why?
It all started back in September when there was a Black Lives Matter (BLM) riot at our high school. During class time, while sitting in my classroom, there was shouting in the hallways. A group of students was running up and down the halls shouting “Black Lives Matter”. My friend told me that as she walked past these so-called peaceful protesters they yelled to her, “Shout black lives matter or you are a white supremacist!”. These students were allowed to continue their protest throughout the school day, between classes, as long as they protested silently. How were these students disciplined? They weren’t.
A few days later, I witnessed students yelling back and forth which turned into a food fight in the West cafeteria. Administrators and teachers began to rush in to form a wall between both sides. How do you think that makes me feel? How do you think that makes the students at the school feel? How does that make our school district look?
Because of these incidents, and the continuation of the same students roaming the halls and not going to class, I do not always feel safe at school. Now, after hearing all the behavior issues and bullying going on in the buses of the middle school routes, I do not think other students feel safe, either. I am concerned for students in our school district. These incidents should never have happened. I feel there should have been stronger consequences. With stronger disciplinary actions, students in our schools would behave better.
My second issue is regarding the condition of our facilities. Some of our buildings here in the West Bend School District are not in good shape. Jackson Elementary School is one of the buildings that needs to be addressed. I’ve never personally been in the building, but it appears to be falling down just by driving by it. The stories that I have heard from parents and other students are very concerning.
In January, the High School started having problems with their heating. Some of the classrooms were as cold as 49 and 51 degrees. Teachers and students had to wear their winter coats to feel more comfortable in order to continue with day-to-day work. The issue has now been resolved but it took me speaking about it at a school board meeting before it was resolved, even though teachers had been complaining. I feel maintenance on our buildings is lacking.
From a student’s perspective, why would I want to continue to go to a school where the temperature is not comfortable, the building is in disrepair, students do not go to class and wander the halls, and are allowed to protest in the hall during the school day and given no consequences. Why would a student want to live in fear of another riot or being attacked on a bus? Why would I want to continue to study in a district with declining test scores and enrollment?
I am a student and do not pay property taxes, but my parents do. Property taxes went way up this year and enrollment went down. When enrollment goes down the school district loses funding from the state. This triggers the school board to raise our taxes. After speaking with taxpayers in Jackson on March 19, it is clear to me that some residents no longer feel their opinion matters.
Our district is not heading in the right direction. We need new school board members who WILL NOT push these issues aside. We must vote to bring positive change to this district. We need school board members who want to prevent high taxes, help our failing facilities, and properly address the behavior issues. I know Melanie and John will listen to the taxpayers and work to fix these issues. Since I cannot vote, I ask you to vote for John Donaldson and Melanie Ehrgott on or before April 5, 2022, for West Bend School Board.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Cameron Merkel
Town Of Trenton
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