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West Bend

What school band was your favorite at Memorial Day parades in Washington County?

June 3, 2021 – Washington Co., WI – There were Memorial Day parades and ceremonies across Washington County on Monday, May 31, 2021.

What school bands performed in your parade?

The Slinger High School band wowed the crowd with its flag-spinning color guard and red, white and blue uniforms. The Slinger band had the Memorial Day audience on its feet as it marched in large numbers from the VFW to Union Cemetery.

Slinger High School Memorial

Slinger band
Photos courtesy Rex Melius

In West Bend, the Kettle Moraine Lutheran Elementary School Bands turned out in strong numbers. The River City Irregulars also performed and the band played at the post-parade ceremony at the Old Courthouse Square.

Kettle Moraine Lutheran

In Kewaskum the Kewaskum High School band marched in the parade and in Hartford the Hartford Central Middle School band performed in the Memorial Day parade.

Kewaskum HS Band

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