51 F
West Bend

Allenton American Legion brat fry Saturday, May 29 | By Ron Naab

Allenton, WI – Vice Commander Ron Naab of the Allenton American Legion Post 483 announced the post is hosting a brat fry Saturday, May 29 of the upcoming Memorial Day weekend.  This is the first day of a big weekend for the post.

The brat fry will be at 341 Main Street (AKA WI-33) in Allenton from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.  The post will be offering Fox Brothers Piggly Wiggly brats and hotdogs.  Head chef for the day is Norbert Carter and two of his grandsons.

Allenton Legion brat fry

Fohl-Martin Post 483 is celebrating its 75th anniversary and has been very supportive of numerous local projects, including scholarships and supporting our disabled veterans.  Commander Rodney Delcore has set a goal of selling 700 brats for the day.  “We ask our neighbors and fellow veterans to visit us and support our fundraiser,” said Commander Delcore.

On Sunday, May 30 of the Memorial Day weekend, the Honor Guard will be visiting eight cemeteries.  Flags were put in place last week to honor veterans buried in these cemeteries.

The schedule for the day:

8:30 A.M. St. Mathias Cemetery, Nabob Road south of WI-33

9:00 A.M. St. Peter’s Cemetery Aurora Road and Beaver Dam Road, north of WI-33

9:30 A.M. Sacred Heart Cemetery east of Allenton on WI-33

9:45 A.M. St. Anthony Cemetery at C.R. W and St. Anthony Road, north of WI-33

10:00 A.M. SS Peter & Paul Cemetery WI-175 in Nenno

10:15 A.M. Zion Cemetery at C.R. D and I-41

10:45 A.M. St. Lawrence Cemetery at C.R. K and WI-175

11:15 A.M. St. John’s Cemetery located at C.R. WW and Beaver Dam Road.

The times are set to coincide with church services at each parish.  The public is welcome to join  the memorial service held at the cemeteries.

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