54.1 F
West Bend

Members’ Show 2021 opening Saturday, September 18, 2021 at Museum of Wisconsin Art

West Bend, WI – Each year, MOWA’s State Gallery lights up with more than 200 artworks submitted by MOWA members of all ages and levels of experience.
Collectively, the works reveal what is engaging the minds, hearts, and brushstrokes of MOWA members. During your visit cast your vote for your favorite works of art.
Check back to see which artists are leading the pack. Votes accepted through October 17. The People’s Choice winner will be announced the week of October 18.


  1. I put in an application for a painting for the members’ show. I got an email that you received it, but I never heard back. Frankly, I forgot about it until yesterday. Now I see the opening day is today. I’m broken hearted. I will try again next year. I just wanted to let you know that my submission fell through the cracks. I have no idea why.
    Thanks. I love the event and hope to participate next year.
    Judith Ormond

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