30.4 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Let’s Make Noise for Medical Freedom is Saturday, Aug. 28 in West Bend, WI

August 28, 2021 – West Bend, WI – An event called Let’s Make Noise for Medical Freedom will be held Saturday, August 28 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. outside the Froedtert West Bend Clinic, 1700 Paradise Drive, in West Bend, WI.


Organizers will park in the old Boston Store lot, 1291 W Paradise, just east of Walmart, at 10:30 a.m. and start the walk to the corner of 18th Avenue and Paradise Drive.

Earlier this month healthcare workers from Froedtert and other local medical and senior care outlets gathered on Paradise Drive to inform the public about vaccine mandates.

“We’re standing up for our choice of medical freedom,” said Joan, who took part in the demonstration, “We now have to choose between an experimental drug or our jobs. And our personal decision-making and freedom of choice is removed from that equation.”

Mike Flanders also attended the demonstration earlier this month in support of his girlfriend and other healthcare workers. “I am not anti-vaccine but I am not for this vaccine,” he said. “This came out way too fast; it’s not FDA approved and there’s not been enough testing to know what the side effects are.”

The Washington County Insider reached out to Froedtert and their response is below.

Our response:

Froedtert Health respects the right of staff and providers to engage in activity protected by federal law. We have implemented a mandatory vaccination program based on our belief that such a program is necessary to provide a safe environment for our staff and providers and for the families, patients and the diverse communities we serve.

Safety is a shared responsibility for anyone employed by our health network.

Thank you.

Rita M. Schuetz

Manager, Public Relations

Froedtert Health

Healthcare workers and supporters of medical freedom are encouraged to attend the Saturday, August 28, 2021 event.

Froedtert Health issued a statement August 3, 2021 requiring COVID-19 vaccinations to protect staff and patients.

Milwaukee — Froedtert Health is requiring staff and providers be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Nov. 1, 2021. This includes Froedtert & MCW Holy Family staff and all vendors, students, volunteers and others employed by or for Froedtert Health. We join many other health systems around southeast Wisconsin and the U.S. that have made vaccination a condition of employment.



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