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West Bend

May is Mental Health Awareness Month | By Stefanie Kowaleski owner, Jazzercise of Hartford, West Bend, Slinger, and Dodge County

Washington County, WI – May is Mental Health Awareness Month and this May, it is probably more relevant than ever before. We can all probably agree this pandemic has impacted our mental health in one way or another. You may be feeling the challenges of anxiety, grief, isolation, and stress either directly on you and your family or through the changes of your day-to-day life.


There are many ways that you can cope with these feelings, but the most important thing to remember is that asking for help is nothing to feel ashamed about. Living a healthy lifestyle can also help. Make sure you are keeping active, taking a break from social media and the news, and eating lots of fruits and veggies.


I have compiled a list of some resources if you or someone you know needs help, please don’t delay seeking support because of the pandemic. Professionals are ready and more than willing to help. We are all in this together.

Association for Mental Health and Wellness or on Facebook

Crisis Text Line https://www.crisistextline.org – Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor. Their website also has other resources for various mental health topics including handling isolation during the pandemic.


National Association of School Psychologists https://www.nasponline.org/resources-and-publications/resources-and-podcasts/school-climate-safety-and-crisis/health-crisis-resources/helping-children-cope-with-changes-resulting-from-covid-19 — They have great resources for talking to children about the pandemic. Their advice is great for adults too!


Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine blog post “Foods to Boost Mood During COVID-19” https://www.pcrm.org/news/blog/foods-boost-mood-during-covid-19-social-distancing


Read my full blog post at https://www.fullbloomacres.com/blog


#mentalhealthawarenessmonth #mentalhealthmatters #menalthealth #jazzercise #wisconsinjazzercise #wellness #fullbloomacres #hartfordwi #westbendwi #mayvillewi #slingerwi



Seaward, B. L. (2018). Managing Stress (9th ed.). Burlington, MA. Jones & Bartlett Learning.


Stoltz, M. & McQueen, J.  (2020).  National Mental Health Awareness Month.  Retrieved from: http://mhaw.org/get-involved/mhamonth2020


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