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Can you help us find Maureen the Marine in Jackson, WI?

August 7, 2023 – Jackson, WI – As a local free media, we get requests and story suggestions weekly. I’m glad we’ve been able to build trust within the community. The latest tip was to do a story on Maureen the Marine from Jackson, WI who will be part of the upcoming Stars and Stripes Honor Flight. Not a lot of detail was provided other than she lived around Hasmer Lake in Jackson, WI across from the Dairy Queen.

Stars and Stripes Honor Flight, Maureen

Over the past eight years WashingtonCountyInsider.com has grown a solid reputation of saluting veterans from Washington County, Wi before they take off on the Honor Flight. Highlighting their service and accomplishments so neighbors can know a little bit more about who fought for their freedom.

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With a bit of time Sunday afternoon, I stopped at the senior home overlooking Hasmer Lake across from Dairy Queen in Jackson, WI; the senior facility profiled the target age group of an Honor Flight veteran.

Supper was underway and a woman with an awesome weave was helpful in my search.

“I’m looking for a resident by the name of Maureen.  She was in the Marines and we do stories on veterans going on the Honor Flight,” I said to the attendant.

She understood the assignment. We had mostly a female dominated crowd… one thought it would be a rather simple undertaking.

“Is there a Maureen here,” asked the attendant using her outside voice. “Are you Maureen,” she said touching the back of the chair of a frail woman at the end of the table.

No one responded… but there was a man in the back who raised his coffee cup and tapped it twice.

“What’s her last name,” asked the attendant.

“I don’t know. My tipster did not leave that helpful nugget. Just that she served in the Marines,” I said.

“Maureen the Marine,” repeated the attendant.

I nodded, realizing the rhymeness…

A woman in a floral blouse waived me over.  “I know a Mary Ann,” she said, eager to be of assistance.

“That’s close,” I responded.  “But we’re looking for a Maureen… she served in the military.  She was in the Marines.”

A man in the back raised his hand. I was encouraged.  Then, he lifted his coffee cup and tapped it twice.

“I got you,” said the attendant who ran to grab the carafe.

How that guy was going to sleep the night was a puzzler.

The attendant was top notch. She circled the room asking the women if their name was Maureen.

“Marie?” said one woman.

“Not quite Hunny,” responded the attendant.

I believe after 10 minutes I let out an audible, “Oh my good God,” …several times. I’m hoping the tone was more, one of religious conviction and inflection rather than one of frustration and desperation.

“Are you Maureen,” I heard the attendant say to a woman at the far table.

She was definitely going over and above.

I saw a roster of sorts in print on a poster next to the elevator. I was without my glasses so I leaned in to see if I could make out names and maybe an apartment number.

“What are you looking for?” said the attendant.

“I thought I’d check the roster to see if I could find a Maureen and her room number,” I said.

“That’s the menu rundown for the week,” said the attendant.

“Oh my good God,” whispered someone.

“Think it’s best if you come back tomorrow,” said the attendant reading my mind.

It was dinner and a show Sunday night for the folks overlooking Hasmer Lake.

We’ll keep you posted on the search for Maureen the Marine from Jackson going on the next Honor Flight.

On a side note: Other tips we’re currently investigating: When will Taco John’s start building in West Bend, WI? Why are the bump outs so far into the road on Main Street in downtown West Bend that only one car can get through at a time? What’s with the pharmacy hours at the Walgreens in Jackson, WI? How much will my taxes jump with the revaluation in West Bend, WI? Can you cover my event at the Wisconsin State Fair? Why is Pick ‘n Save making it so hard for the elderly to use coupons because now they need an app on their phone? When is the new Panera opening? Is a gas station being built by the West Bend Cinema?

Thank you to all the local businesses and organizations that help support free local news… and a little bit of humor, at WashingtonCountyInsider.com

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