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West Bend

Market lamb goes for $25.00/lb; 4-H’er says “thank you” | By Katie/Kenna Boden

August 9, 2023 – Washington Co., WI – Thank you for posting so many updates on the Washington County Fair throughout the week. My daughter’s name is Kenna Boden; she is 12 years old and is a member of the St. Lawrence Eager Beavers. One of her lambs was selected as Overall Reserve Grand Champion.


The lamb was bought at auction by A to Z Fencing with the highest bid of $25/lb. A to Z is a huge supporter of these kiddos and purchased many animals at the sale.

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Kenna’s other Market lamb was purchased by Savatski Contractors at $13.50/lb.

We would like to thank both companies for their support and all the bidders who came out to place bids including MW plumbing, BV Hoof Care, Farmers Grain and Feed, Stratus Industries, Gehrings Meat Market, and Quadgraphics.

Katie and Kenna Bodden

Morrie's job posting

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