March 7, 2022 – Washington Co., WI – My name is Marietta Bailey and I am running for the position of County Supervisor-District 2, which is north West Bend. I am a mother of four adult children and grandmother of 6 and have lived in Washington County for 43 years, 39 of those years in Barton.
I have been a High School Library Technician for 20 years and have experience forming and working with different organizations and groups. I am the founder of “Save America – Washington County.”
This is my first run for public office and with that, I do not bring preconceived notions and will do what is best for this county and its citizens.
County Governments work to keep the county safe and secure, maintain the county structures, roads and bridges, and create and keep an environment for the residents and businesses to enjoy an authentic quality of life.
County Supervisors are elected to work for the taxpayers to make decisions to maintain these services and make decisions on how to spend the taxpayers money based on the input of their constituents and rights under the constitution.
Government officials are not elected to rule over their citizens and force them to comply with services against their Constitutional freedoms.
What has happened in this country the last two years in regard to COVID and the response by some in our government is unacceptable. Some of our elected leaders are acting like they ARE our rulers.
America was founded on limiting the government, not limiting our freedoms! The government has no right to violate its constitutional role, become authoritarian, and tread on the people’s freedoms of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This shows us why local elections are the most important of all.
I am not a politician. I am a fiscally responsible America first taxpayer who will work for the taxpayers. I support law enforcement and want to be involved in finding a solution for the Samaritan, our county nursing home. I believe in a smaller, more efficient government and I am against government overreach. I will uphold our rights under the Constitution and work to keep Washington County the safe and enjoyable place to live, work, and visit that it is.
I was inspired to run when I visited with Senator Ron Johnson in November. He said if you want to see change in our country, you need to vote and/or run for office. I decided to do both.
Because we live in Washington County, which is free, we sometimes don’t realize how blessed we are. I support that our county and county officials have stood together to protect our individual freedoms and to serve the people of this community. I will continue to follow this path if elected to represent the constituents of District 2.
Thank you.
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Why spend millions on building and our taxes pay for it. Why not use money to fix ALL the roads in town. Do they have deal with Auto mobile dealerships to keep buying cars because our roads are terrible patches in town? You want to help make WB pretty fix all roads not patches like the back forty field. A horse is a smoother ride. Also why police officers have to write tickets to people have pets but others make same noise they don’t get tickets. Why some yards can have alot of cars on yard on grass but others can’t in neiborhoods?