41.3 F
West Bend

Man in custody for 1st Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety | By Sheriff Martin R. Schulteis

January 20, 2023 – Addison, WI – The Washington County Sheriff’s Office responded to a home on Sunset Drive in the Town of Addison on January 19, 2023 at 9:24p.m. after receiving a report of a male subject armed with a knife attempting to stab multiple individuals.

Upon the first responding deputies arrival, they observed a male subject holding a knife near a female in an enclosed porch. The suspect retreated into the main portion of the residence and the female was promptly evacuated to a position of safety by deputies. The 19-year-old woman had several minor defensive knife wounds and strangulation marks on her neck. Deputies also had contact with another resident of the home that was chased out at knifepoint prior to their arrival. The deputies set a perimeter on the home with the assistance of the Wisconsin State Patrol. Due to a language barrier, mutual assistance was requested by West Bend Police to assist with interpretation and negotiations.

On scene law enforcement made verbal contact with the 20-year-old suspect who told interpreters, “Ask them to kill me. No one is leaving this house alive” as he continued to brandish several knives within the home. It was determined that two additional victims barricaded themselves inside the home, in separate bedrooms, to protect themselves. Due to the potential hostage situation, Washington County Multi-Jurisdictional SWAT was paged.

Ultimately the subject failed to comply with orders, and emergency entry was made by SWAT shortly after emergency reaction teams were in position. The suspect jumped from a second-story window and fled on foot. He was taken into custody in a field northeast of the residence after a brief foot pursuit. Just prior to being taken into custody, in the dark farm field, he quickly turned around, reached into his waistband, and pointed his empty hand at the deputies.

Washington County Major Crimes Unit responded for interviews and scene processing. The suspect was arrested for 1st Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety, Disorderly Conduct while Armed, Strangulation and Failure to Comply with Officer’s Attempt to Take Person into Custody.

He remains in custody at the Washington County Jail. The suspect has no direct ties to any of the residents of the home and is originally from Nicaragua. He currently resides in Chicago, but his immigration status is currently under investigation.

The Washington County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the West Bend Police Department, Hartford Police Department, Germantown Police Department, the Wisconsin State Patrol, and the Allenton Fire Department for the assistance in bringing this situation to a peaceful resolution.

Pursuant to the directive of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, as found in Supreme Court Rule 20:3.6, Trial Publicity, you are advised that a charge is merely an accusation and that a defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proved guilty.

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