64.2 F
West Bend

Man facing 23 felony child pornography counts in Washington Co. Circuit Court

February 28, 2023 – West Bend, WI – A 43-year-old West Bend, WI man will be in Washington County Circuit Court on March 1, 2023, to face 23 felony charges tied to allegations of possession of images of a child engaging in sexually explicit conduct.


According to court records Christopher William Johnson is also facing charges tied to allegations police recovered hundreds of photos /videos from a camera reportedly hidden in a basement bathroom. The images were reportedly of members of the household under the age of 18.

After the charges came to light, Johnson’s wife filed for divorce in July 2022.

You can choose to click HERE to read the criminal complaint written by Washington County Court System.

Warning this is extremely graphic content

In July 2022, conditions of $35,000 cash bond were set, and Johnson was bailed out by his mother Colleen Johnson in August 2022. During arraignment in October 2022 a not guilty plea was entered on all 23 charges.

Christopher W. Johnson is scheduled to appear in Judge Hetzel’s courtroom for a hearing at 9:45 a.m. on March 1, 2023.

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