42.4 F
West Bend

Man cited for recklessly endangering safety after gun discharges at work | By West Bend Police

June 18, 2019 – West Bend, WI – On Saturday June 15, 2019 at 6:20 a.m. a citizen called West Bend Police to a business 100 block W. Progress Drive for an employee that had injured himself with his own firearm. Investigating officers learned that a 63 year old man was carrying a handgun while he was working.

The handgun was in a holster, but the holster was not the proper holster for the handgun he was carrying. While he was setting up for work he banged the holster against a tool box.

When he did that the gun discharged and fell to the floor. When this occurred the man suffered a gunshot wound to his right leg. A co-worker was within a few feet of a co-worker when this occurred.

The co-worker was not injured. The co-worker drove the injured man to St. Joseph’s Hospital where he was treated and released. The man has a Conceal Carry Permit.

Charges of Recklessly Endangering Safety were referred to the Washington County District Attorney.

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