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West Bend

Barton man arrested for shotgun incident Wednesday night | By Washington County Sheriff

February 17, 2022 – West Bend, WI – A 46-year-old West Bend woman working as a food delivery person is lucky to be alive this morning, and a 32-year-old Barton man is in custody at the Washington County Jail after an incident occurred on Werner Drive in the Town of Barton on Wednesday night.


The Washington County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call from the driver who reported she was shot at as she attempted to deliver pizza to a customer. Sheriff’s Deputies responded and were able to take the man into custody without further incident.

The investigation revealed  the suspect ordered pizza which was to be delivered by a Door Dash driver. The driver arrived at the house and approached the front door when a shotgun blast was fired through the door by the suspect. The driver immediately fled the area and called for help.

The suspect told investigators that he had ordered pizza and accidentally fired the shotgun upon the driver’s arrival. Washington County Sheriff’s detectives executed a search warrant on the house early Thursday morning and collected evidence. The case remains an active investigation but the suspect will face several felony charges including 1st-degree reckless endangering safety, felony bail jumping, and operating a firearm while intoxicated.

Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis said, “We are thankful  the victim is physically okay, however, our thoughts go out to her as she processes this traumatic event that easily could have resulted in tragedy. This suspect’s recent pattern of behavior is extremely concerning and we are working diligently to uncover how this could have occurred and hold him accountable.”

The name of the suspect is being withheld at this time until formal charges are filed, which will most likely be Friday afternoon.

No further information is being released at this time.


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