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Man arrested on I41 at Holy Hill Road for fourth OWI | By Wisconsin State Patrol Waukesha Post

July 10, 2020 – Washington Co., WI – Ronald P. Stankowski, 57, from Menomonee Falls has been arrested by the Wisconsin State Patrol Waukesha Post for operating a motor vehicle under the influence, 4th offense.

A WI State Trooper stopped a vehicle on I41 in Washington County at 9:45 a.m. on Friday, July 10, 2020 for multiple lane deviations. The trooper detected the odor of intoxicants, then conducted field sobriety tests.

Stankowski was arrested and charged with operating while intoxicated, 4th offense. He has two prior operating while intoxicated offenses pending.

Stankowski was also charged for operating while suspended and having open intoxicants in his vehicle. He consented that a blood sample be taken and was transported to the Washington County Jail for booking.

“Pursuant to the direction of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, as found in Supreme Court Rule 20:3.6, Trial Publicly, you are advised that a charge is merely an accusation and that a defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.”


  1. why isn’t this man behind bars? His 4th OWI!!!? Whats it going to take! Him killing someone becuz hes driving around drunk!!? This is insane. Its just not right. 4th OWI… WOW unbelievable. I along with a trillion others would love 2 know why alcohol is even legal!!!??? Cant even wrap my head around how unjust this world is.

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