44.3 F
West Bend

Man arrested by Jackson Police for 7th OWI | By Chief Ryan Vossekuil


Oct. 15, 2018 – Jackson, WI – On Sunday, Oct. 14 at 3:32 p.m., Jackson Police responded to the Green Valley Mobile Home Park for a report of a suspicious man driving his truck back and forth repeatedly and refusing to leave.

The officer made contact with the 47-year-old West Bend man who stated he had come to visit a friend but was near the wrong trailer.

The man appeared highly intoxicated and failed field sobriety testing. His preliminary breath test was .27.

A check of the suspect’s driving record showed he had previously been convicted of OWI six times. The suspect was transported to the Washington County Jail and charges are pending with the Washington County District Attorney’s Office.


The Jackson Police Department was assisted at the scene by the Slinger Police Department and the Washington County Sheriff’s Office.



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