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West Bend

Man accused of stealing woman’s car at Piggly Wiggly taken into custody

July 20, 2017 – West Bend, WI – The man accused of stealing a woman’s car from the parking lot at Piggly Wiggly on E. Washington Street in West Bend has been taken into custody.

The incident happened Tuesday, July 18 at 7:25 a.m. after a woman, 75, said she was walking to her vehicle when she was approached by a man who forcibly grabbed her car keys from her hand, then entered her vehicle and drove away.

The suspect was identified as Rakeem J. Woodley,, black, 19 years, of age, 5’7”, 150 lbs., medium build, last seen wearing a red hooded sweatshirt with black lettering down the left sleeve, red pants and brown shoes with white soles.

The vehicle is a 2008 Grey Infiniti G35, 4 door with Wisconsin Registration BF4MVP.  

On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 11:15 a.m. a Milwaukee Police Officer located the victim’s vehicle, the 2008 Infiniti G35, in the area of S. 12th Street and W. Greenfield Avenue. At approximately 12:30 p.m. Milwaukee Police Officers found the suspect, Rakeem Woodley, hiding in a relative’s house in the same area.

West Bend Police responded and took custody of the vehicle and suspect.

The vehicle was not damaged and will be returned to the owner after it is processed for evidence.

Mayor Kraig Sadownikow praised the work of West Bend police.  “West Bend is an honest hard-working proud community that it accepts all types of people except one. Criminals,” said Sadownikow. “If you’re a criminal get out and stay out otherwise you’ll get a free ride to our local court system in jail where it is not likely you will get a free pass.”

Sadownikow said it has “become apparent Milwaukee is struggling to take care of itself. I hope they can figure out their issues because they should be an asset to the region and not a feeder system which outsources illegal activity.
“I am proud of our city and county men and women in uniform and very much appreciate their daily work to keep our city safe.”

The suspect was arrested for Strong Armed Robbery and Operating a Motor Vehicle without the Owner’s Consent.

The suspect is being held at the Washington County Jail.

The West Bend Police Department thanks Milwaukee Police Officers Scott IVERSON and Ryan HEIDEMANN for their cooperation and outstanding work.


  1. I echo the mayor’s sentiments: if you’re a criminal from Milwaukee, get out and/or stay out. Milwaukee has clearly become a problem for the West Bend community and neighboring suburbs. I’ve never seen such poor leadership in that city’s history.

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