36.8 F
West Bend

Mad Max sells all four stations in West Bend



July 24, 2018 – West Bend, WI – The sale price for all four Mad Max gas stations in West Bend has been posted. Overall Janiece and Steve Maxwell sold all of their 11 stations including those in Fond du Lac and Sheboygan.

The new owner is Vereit Real Estate LP; it’s an equity firm out of Phoenix, Arizona. The deal closed July 17, 2018.

Vereit will be leasing the stations to Riiser Fuels LLC out of Durham, NC.

1229 S MAIN ST


1650 N MAIN ST


It was about a year ago, August 2017, when Steve and Janice Maxwell announced the sale of their gas stations to Brookwood and its Yesway convenience store chain.

That deal fell apart shortly after it was announced.

Here’s a list of Mad Max locations in West Bend courtesy the West Bend City Assessor along with the most recent assessed values:

1229 S MAIN ST   2017 ASSESSED VALUE: $ 1,343,100

1211 W WASHINGTON ST   2017 ASSESSED VALUE: $972,500

1650 N MAIN ST   2017 ASSESSED VALUE: $ 968,400

1512 W WASHINGTON ST  2017 ASSESSED VALUE: $ 791,700

Horicon Bank

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