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Lunch with The Law at Lincoln Elementary School in Hartford | By Corinne Neumeyer

April 27, 2018 – Hartford, WI – A new program is underway at Lincoln Elementary School in Hartford designed to strengthen the relationship between students and local law enforcement.
It’s called “Lunch with the Law” and each month, one lucky Lincoln student will be selected to eat lunch with a police officer.  The winner gets to choose four friends to join them at a separate lunch table and the police officer is treated to hot lunch.
At Lincoln student earns Lion Eyes tickets for being responsible, respectful, and safe.  They may put their tickets in the “Lunch with the Law” bucket to enter for a chance to win.
“I wanted to start this program at Lincoln to build relationships between students and police officers, along with promoting police presence in our building,” said Lincoln Elementary reading teacher Corinne Neumeyer. “I first heard about it from the Mayville School District and immediately knew I wanted start it in Hartford.  Chief Groves agreed it would be a great idea and has been very supportive to get this going.”
Pictures from the first Lunch with the Law feature Officer Derrick Janzen with winner Lily from 1st Grade

 And below Officer Derrick Janzen with winner Lily and the 4 friends she chose for her special lunch.  Starting on left and going clockwise- Brianna, Lily, Officer Janzen, Kiana, Dixie, Janelle.

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