28.6 F
West Bend

Debut of new sign and lunch menu at Vino con Volo Bar + Italian Kitchen in West Bend, WI

West Bend, WI – Vino con Volo Bar + Italian Kitchen, 110 Wisconsin Street, in West Bend, WI is now open for lunch.

Vino con Volo

The new restaurant owned by Jeremy Hahn and Gary Bacon opened Monday, June 21, 2021. The lunch menu is posted below. Click HERE for the full dinner menu.

Lunch features a wide selection including all-you-can-eat house salad and bread sticks or soup for $10.

Vino con Volo lunch menu

Keep an eye on the menu as Vino con Volo has also hired an award winning Michelin chef.  Stay tuned!

Finally, this week was also a day to note on the calendar as Vino con Volo received approval and installed its new sign.

Vino con Volo

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