March 27, 2022 – Washington County, WI – For two years now, government bureaucrats have lived out their authoritarian dreams. So-called experts have clung to their initial decisions, despite ever-mounting data and scientific evidence that proved their hypotheses incorrect. The “science” being followed was political science, not medical.
Thankfully, at the County level, our Sheriff, Executive and Board were willing to use common sense and defended our freedoms – to continue that leadership, re-elect challenged incumbents (Gurath, Schleif, Schulteis, Millikin) and add new conservatives like Marietta Bailey and Tony Thoma to our County Board.
Unfortunately, in our schools, no such common sense was exercised. Administration took direction from the CDC (blind, no-risk guidance) and DPI (controlled by teachers unions), and our Board members were too timid to challenge those decisions. Children’s lives and education were disrupted for far too long, for reasons that mattered only to the adults in the system. One positive, as a result of virtual learning, was that parents got a glimpse of the curriculum, and many eyes were opened. When they came to school board meetings, though, they were basically dismissed – told that the schools knew how to educate their children “properly”. Again, current Board members sat by, always defending the administrators and teachers.
School board members are elected to represent the taxpayers, and ensure the needs of parents and students are being met by the District. The administrators and staff are hired to serve those needs; they need to be held accountable, and challenged on their decisions – they do not need advocates. This is why I’m supporting some new faces for the West Bend School Board – Melanie Ehrgott and John Donaldson – parents who’ve lived through the past two years, will advocate for parents’ rights and for legitimate curriculum and will challenge ideas that don’t work. Please vote for them on Tuesday, April 5, 2022.
Randy Marquardt
West Bend
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