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Hartford Police Lieutenant Richard Thickens Awarded 2022 Officer of the Year | By Steve Volkert

October 13, 2023 – Hartford, WI – On October 10, 2023, at the regular meeting of the Common Council, Lieutenant Richard Thickens was honored with the 2022 Officer of the Year Award. Sergeant Jim Zywicki recommended Lt. Thickens for the award.


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“I have had the honor of working with Lt. Thickens for almost 23 years,” said Zywicki, “Lt. Thickens has exemplified what it is to be a great public servant. Lt. Thickens has served as an Officer, Detective, and now Lieutenant. His knowledge, skills, intelligence, and his ability to effectively communicate with all people make him an asset. Lt. Thickens’ dedication to ensuring that each of us strives for the mission of the Hartford Police Department is evident in his work product.

During what would be described as a very trying time for our profession, Lt. Thickens learned his job, assisted in dealing with COVID protocols and interruptions, kept morale high, took a management class, and helped make it all work.”Zywicki went on to say the most remarkable thing he finds is that despite all challenges, Lt. Thickens still concerns himself with other officers’ wellbeing. “He made time on the busiest days to help those who lacked computer skills without complaint, even when the fix was as simple as putting paper in the copier when someone could not figure out why they couldn’t print from their office. He did all this in stride and often with a smile and laugh.”

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