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Lt. Mark Steiner to retire from Kewaskum Police Department | By Chief Tom Bishop

Kewaskum, WI – After 30 years of dedicated service to the Village of Kewaskum, Lt. Mark Steiner has announced his retirement from the Police Department effective April 2, 2024.

Lt. Steiner began his law enforcement career with the Village on May 26, 1994, and was promoted to the position of Lieutenant in January 2015. Assignments Lt. Steiner has been tasked with were logistics of planning for the Christmas Parade and 3rd of July Fireworks, overseeing the Police Auxiliary Dept., Patrol Officer, Evidence Room Officer, WILEAG Accreditation Manager, Court Officer, SORP Officer, current Associate member of WCPA, among many other administrative and leadership responsibilities.

Lt. Steiner’s dedication to the Village of Kewaskum and surrounding community has reached further than just law enforcement. He is a volunteer member of the Kewaskum Fire Department and serves as Treasurer of the Kewaskum Firefighters Association. You’ve also likely seen him in the concession stands of the Doc Mitchell Complex volunteering with the Booster Club during Kewaskum High School events. He also currently serves as Treasurer of the Kewaskum Booster Club.

He is one of the citizen representatives on the Kewaskum School District’s Finance Committee and an alternate on the Policy and Building & Grounds Committees. He is an active member of Holy Trinity Catholic Church and is a 4th Degree member of the Knights of Columbus.

Please help us thank Lt. Steiner for his years of service and congratulate him on his upcoming retirement.

A formal ceremony and party will be announced at a later time.

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