32.6 F
West Bend

Lost dog | Leia – Boston Terrier last seen south of Silverbrook in West Bend

West Bend, Wi – Keep an eye out for Leia, a young Boston Terrier last seen south of Silverbrook Drive in West Bend on July 7, 2021.
LOST DOG Leia 07-07-2021! #Washington Co., #WestBend (South Silverbrook Drive, West Bend), WI 53095. Leia/Female *** Boston Terrier *** Black/White/Young/Small. One blue eye.
lost dog
CONTACT Phone: (414) 510-1669
To see this pet’s location on the HelpingLostPets Map: https://www.helpinglostpets.com/v2/?pid=3401131
Let’s get Leia home!

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