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Looking for motorcyclists to help boy with autism celebrate birthday


July 14, 2018 – Washington Co., WI – If you own a motorcycle and want to make a little 10-year-old boy’s birthday something special, join us Sunday, July 15, for a special ride for Thomas.

Thomas has autism and has a great love for motorcycles.

A family friend wants to surprise him with a bunch of motorcycles outside his house in Slinger.

Bikers will meet at Slinger Community Park, 128 Kettle Moraine Dr. N, at 9:45 a.m.  At 10 a.m. they will proceed to Thomas’s home for the birthday surprise.

Friends are asking that anyone who can spare a small amount of time to come on out Sunday and pull together to help give Thomas an amazing birthday and let him know he’s special and loved.

American Commercial Real Estate


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